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Our money

Updated: Apr 10, 2021

Our currency is called “Baht” or “Thai Baht”. We have six denominations of banknotes which are: 1000 Baht, 500 Baht, 100 Baht, 50 Baht, 20 Baht. We used to have 10 Baht banknotes but they are no longer in circulation. We also have six kinds of coins, which are: 10 Baht, 5 Baht, 2 Baht, 1 Baht, 50 Satang and 25 Satang (100 Satang = 1 Baht). On our money we use our King as the symbol on the front of both banknotes and coins. On the back of the bank notes we have different picture showing important moments in the King’s life. On the back of the coins there are pictures of important temples in Thailand.

This picture shows the current Thai banknotes and coins (Rama 10).

This picture shows the old Thai banknotes and coins (Rama 9).

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